The Background of Hero Realms TCG
Hero Realms is a game with the mechanics of building decks, a fantasy theme and a style of play similar to its predecessor Star Realms. Hero Realms, created by Darwin Kastle & Robert Dougherty, is a card game set in the fantasy universe of EPIC that manages to combine the immediacy, emotion and addition of Star Realms, with the tactics and power of EPIC, creating a game with a particular style.
Brief History
Hero Realms settles in a world where wars have been incessant where the army of the empire along with its military precision and alliances with dragons, achieved endless victories and some defeats that brought to this vast reign a great conflict for its size, unleashing an eternal cycle of rebellion and reconquest.
Finally, a degree of peace is established by creating a peace system through trade, giving rise to the city of Thandar, an independent border city that is connected by the 4 large rivers and hosts all kinds of races and businesses.
The Game
If you’ve never played a game with deck construction mechanics, Hero Realms is a good place to start getting to know the genre. It has a simple system to understand and is easy to adapt, with simple rules and fun combinations that generate interest as it has different game formats as well as expansions and special cards. The goal of the basic game is to leave the opponent of 50 lives to zero lives by.
The universe of Hero Realms is made up of different types of cards, which represent the different groups that one can summon and use against the opponent or opponents during the game.
The Imperials, though at peace with the barbarian neighbors to the east, still cling to their military tradition. With their highly trained soldiers, their reality-unfolding magicians and fierce dragons, the Imperials are a force to fear. The Imperials excel in winning life and become stronger by having more champions at stake.
The savages are composed of ancient Elven kingdoms, devastating Orcs, nomadic human tribes, trolls and ferocious beasts can be found in the wild lands east of the empire. Wild cards possess great combat damage, force the opponent to discard cards from his hand and allow you to discard and draw cards, allowing a quick cycle for your deck.
Fortune and trade flow in Thandar and this also enhances the power of the organized crime syndicate known as "The Guild". They have control over everything from street robberies, to bribes or blackmail by political figures, to murders of those who are a hindrance to their profits. Guild cards will give you large amounts of gold, allow you to stun the opposing champion without spending combat and draw cards from your deck to your hand.
The cult of the Necros unleash evil from under the stomach of the city, stalking the vagrants and anyone who faces them. Necromancers, vampires, and cultists who fill the ranks of the Necros possess dark powers from the demons they worship. Necros cards will allow you to sacrifice cards from your hand or discard pile, allowing you to dispose of cards you don’t need and leaving cards stronger or more important to play.
How to play
When you start the game, you will receive 10 cards that will give you a mix of basics to attack another player and recruit other cards that are for sale. In the case of games for 2, the initial player will draw 3 cards and the second will draw 5 cards, in the case of 4 players, the first player will draw 3, the second 4 and the third and fourth player will draw 5.
Once you have your initial cards, the cards that make up the middle deck are shuffled, set to the side in the center and placed 5 face-up cards, this would be considered as the Marketplace, then the 16 FireStone cards are separated and placed next to the Marketplace.
If one buys any of the Market cards, the player will place it on his discard pile, which will then be part of his deck upon completion of this, and cards on the discard pile will be shuffled to create a new deck of play, eventually upon completion of the purchase of a card, immediately must be replaced by the first card of the Market deck so as to always have 5 cards available to buy.
During the game, players will take turns starting with the initial player, who is randomly assigned. In each turn, the player will have 3 phases:
- Main phase
- Discard phase
- Stealing phase
Main Phase: Phase III
This is the most important phase, where the following actions can be carried out:
Play cards of the hand
Use the skills of your champions in play
Using gold to acquire new market cards
Fight to attack an opponent or their champions
Phase of Discard:
In this phase the player discards any cards that have remained in his hand and that do not manage to play in the main phase, these must be placed on the discard pile next to his game deck.
Phase of Stealing:
At this stage, the player must draw up to 5 cards.
The Cards
There is no cost to play cards during the main phase, the ideal is to play all the cards that one has in hand simply lowering it face up in the playing area, of these cards, there are 3 types in the deck:
Action Cards and Item Cards: These cards, when played, will have a primary ability that occurs immediately, or two abilities, of which, the second will have special conditions when executed. These include letters of gold, damage and life.
- Champions Cards: These will be the strength of the game, their main quality is that they are not discarded at the end of the turn and remain in play, until they are stunned (that their defense points reach 0), in which case they are put on the discard pile. They also possess the quality of being turned to activate various benefits. Champions are divided into 2 types:
- Grey Shield: Basic Champion with their respective skills
- Black Shield: Defending Champion, this means that when your opponent declares an attack, this damage must first be infringed on your champions with the quality of "defender", they are the first line of defense for the player.
An integral feature of Hero Realms is the ability to make card combos. Most market cards have colors of their alliance, Yellow (Imperial), Green (Wild), Blue (Guild) and Red (Necros). Among these cards, some will have in their abilities box, this same icon next to a skill, that is, if you place cards from the same alliance in play, you can activate those abilities as a chain. Also, some of these cards have the symbol of a garbage can, this serves to remove cards that the player does not need, giving him space for new cards from the market. Cards that are eliminated are exiled from the game, meaning that they cannot be re-entered into the game. Visit our shop today and choose your Hero Realms bundle!
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