Lizardmen - Used

Warhammer Lizardmen Saurus Scar Veteran - JYS71
$ 25.00 CAD
Warhammer Lizardmen Old-Blood Metal A23
$ 30.00 CAD
Warhammer Lizardmen Skink Starpriest Metal Well Painted A23
$ 30.00 CAD
Warhammer Lizardmen Saurus Guard A23
$ 35.00 CAD
Warhammer Lizardmen Skinks Well Painted A23
$ 35.00 CAD
Warhammer Lizardmen Saurus Warriors Well Painted JYS55
$ 40.00 CAD
The Lizardmen, sometimes known as the Cold Ones or the Children of the Gods, is an ancient, savage race of cold-blooded reptiles that were at one time the first and oldest civilization within the Warhammer World. Long before the rise of Men, Elf or Dwarf, the Empire of the Lizardmen ruled supreme.