Annihilate the Giants is based on the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons modules G1-G3, Steading of the Hill Giant Chief, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, and the Hall of the Fire Giant King by Gary Gygax. The HackMaster version is designed for characters level 7-11, and takes the adventurers through a campaign consisting of three parts: The Villa of the Hill Giant Chieftain, The Glacial Cliff of the Frost Giant Karl, and the Hall of the Fire Giant Prince. The module also includes new magic items, spells, equipment and a brand new HackMaster race -- the Darkmen, human and dark elf half-breeds.
From the Back Cover:
From distant lands you have been called to an audience with the exalted Duke of Fraduir. Wadsting no time, as soon as you are all gathered, the crafty old statesman begins to speak. "Giants have been raiding the lands of Garweeze Wurld, causing widespread death and destruction - and great consternation to we noble rulers sworn to protect the life and goods of certain influential members of the populace. Therefore, a party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers was assembled and given the assignment to punish the miscreant giants. Unfortunately they charged too much so you fellows will have to do!"
This charge is not as harsh as it may seem, for you will be fully equipped with all standard items needed for both wilderness and dungeon exploration; and each member of the party will likewise be given the finest horse available. Note, however, that these are only 'loaners' and you bear the entire risk of loss or damage to the rented equipment or mounts. Guides have been made available to escort you to your first objective; the great fortress of Ivar the Hill Giant chieftain.
You are cautioned to expect a secret force, some motivational guru behind this unusual banding of different races of giants. More surprises might be in store...
You are to follow any clues discovered if such point towards the sinister hand suspected of guiding the rising, but to report in at once if you should determine exactly the reason or force behind the alliance of evil. After all, some dark relic might be at hand... or it might not. Who knows. Regardless, there are plenty of giants to hack and treasure to loot. Lots of it.