Within this 48-page supplement book, you will find:
History of the Badlands – A closer look at the rough, arid landscape that the Orcs & Goblin Tribes call home.
A Waaagh! Abroad – Follow in the tracks of a Nomadic Waaagh! Warboss as he loots and burns his way through the Border Princes and beyond, as well as a narrative scenario that features a classic mountain pass ambush.
Heroes of Legend – Background and rules for two infamous characters: Kiknik Toofsnatcha and Ogdruz Swampdigga.
Armies of Infamy – Rules to field two unique Orc & Goblin Armies of Infamy: Nomadic Waaagh! And Troll Hordes.
This is an expansion to Warhammer: The Old World – you'll need copies of the Warhammer: The Old World Rulebook and Warhammer: the Old World – Ravening Hordes books, both available separately, to use the contents of this book.
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