Wargames Illustrated WI440 August 2024
For this month’s Vietnam War theme we intentionally sidestep a history lesson on the conflict and instead focus on several different hobby projects and wargaming ideas. From the skies above, to below ground, our five theme articles take in transport vehicles, Saigon ’68, Tunnel Rats, collecting ’Nam models, and the disaster that was the Battle of Ap Bac 1963.
Elsewhere in Wi440, we give two new rulesets a run-through: World War Two skirmish game V for Victory and Never Mind the Billhooks supplement Fantasía. We also see what our master modelmaker, Matt Parkes, came up with when we handed him three Epic Battles Hail Caesar figure frames and a dead elephant. I share my Italian travelogue, telling the tale of my trip to Gradara with the Perry twins, and there are all of our regular reviews and previews too.
Happy reading and rolling.