The Flesh-Eater Courts are a grotesque and delusional faction of ghouls and undead monstrosities, ruled by insane vampire kings known as Abhorrants. These twisted beings believe themselves to be noble knights and aristocrats, feasting on their enemies in a macabre parody of chivalry. Driven by their insatiable hunger for flesh, they gather vast hordes of ghouls, crypt horrors, and other nightmarish creatures to their cause. Under the influence of their deranged leaders, the Flesh-Eater Courts spread madness and terror, transforming the lands they conquer into realms of horror and depravity. Their armies are relentless and horrifying, bringing a dark and twisted version of nobility to the Mortal Realms.
This set of 36 cards includes:
- 1x Flesh-eater Courts Faction Background Card
- 3x Army Rules Cards
- 26x Warscroll Cards
- 6x Spearhead Cards
All cards are 161.5mm x 107mm.
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