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Space Wolves - New


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SPACE WOLVES LEGION TRANSFER SHEET Enhance your Warhammer 40,000 Space Wolves army with this official transfer sheet, featuring a wide array of ico...

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Original price $ 43.00 CAD - Original price $ 43.00 CAD
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$ 43.00 CAD
$ 43.00 CAD - $ 43.00 CAD
Current price $ 43.00 CAD

The Space Wolves, also known as the Vlka Fenryka in their native Fenrisian language, hail from the icy death world of Fenris in the Segmentum Obscurus. They are one of the original twenty Space Marine Legions created by the Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade.

Primarch: The Primarch of the Space Wolves is Leman Russ, a legendary warrior and leader who embodies the fierce and untamed nature of his legion. He disappeared mysteriously during the Horus Heresy, and his fate remains unknown.

Culture: The Space Wolves chapter has a distinct culture heavily influenced by the harsh conditions of their homeworld and the tribal traditions of Fenris. They are fierce and proud warriors, known for their fierce loyalty to their Primarch, their brotherhood, and their chapter.

Recruitment: Recruits of the Space Wolves undergo the grueling trials known as the Trials of Morkai, where they must prove their strength, courage, and determination to earn the right to become Space Marines. Those who succeed are subjected to genetic modifications that enhance their physical abilities and make them more resilient in battle.

Combat Doctrine: The Space Wolves are renowned for their aggressive and ferocious fighting style. They favor close combat and lightning-fast assaults, using their superior strength, speed, and martial prowess to overwhelm their enemies in battle. They often fight alongside their fierce Fenrisian wolves, which they see as sacred companions and allies.

Organization: The Space Wolves chapter is organized into Great Companies, each led by a Wolf Lord. These Great Companies are further divided into Packs, led by Wolf Guard Veterans. The chapter also includes specialized units such as Wolf Scouts, Long Fangs, and Thunderwolf Cavalry.

Runic Lore and Psykers: The Space Wolves have a unique tradition of Runic Lore, which combines ancient rituals and runes with psychic powers. Rune Priests, also known as the Vlka Fenryka's psykers, wield these powers to protect their brethren, curse their enemies, and commune with the spirits of Fenris.

Beliefs: The Space Wolves venerate the Emperor of Mankind as the Allfather, but they also have their own pantheon of gods and spirits, including the wolf god, Leman Russ. They believe in the importance of honor, loyalty, and brotherhood, and they fiercely defend humanity against the forces of Chaos and other threats.

Relationship with the Imperium: The Space Wolves maintain a somewhat independent streak within the Imperium of Man, often operating on the fringes of Imperial space and pursuing their own agenda. However, they remain loyal defenders of humanity, fighting tirelessly to protect the Imperium against its enemies.

Overall, the Space Wolves are a proud and fierce chapter of Space Marines, feared and respected throughout the galaxy for their martial prowess, loyalty, and indomitable spirit. They are a symbol of the Imperium's strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Who are the space wolves?

    The Space Wolves are a faction in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. They are a chapter of Space Marines, genetically engineered super soldiers, who follow the Codex Astartes and worship the Emperor of Mankind. They are known for their fierce warrior culture, which is heavily influenced by Norse mythology, and for their fierce loyalty to the Emperor. The Space Wolves are also known for their unorthodox methods, which set them apart from other chapters of Space Marines. They have a strong sense of brotherhood and are known for their fierce and brutal fighting style.

  • 2. What is the Space Wolves playstyle?

    The Space Wolves playstyle in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game is known for its emphasis on close-combat and melee combat. They have access to many powerful melee units such as Wolf Guard, Blood Claws, and Grey Hunters, that can be equipped with a variety of weapons such as chainswords, power axes and frost blades. Their melee units are generally more resilient than other faction's equivalent units, and many of them have special abilities that make them even more deadly in close combat. In addition to their emphasis on melee combat, Space Wolves also have access to some powerful long-range units such as Thunderwolf Cavalry and Long Fangs. These units can provide fire support to the rest of the army, and can be used to take out enemy heavy weapons and vehicles. Space Wolves also have access to a number of powerful characters, such as Wolf Lords and Rune Priests, that can provide leadership and support to the rest of the army. These characters can also be used to take on powerful enemy units in close combat. Overall the Space Wolves playstyle is characterized by a combination of brutal melee combat and heavy firepower, which makes them a versatile and formidable force on the battlefield.

  • 3. Best way to get started playing a Space Wolves army?

    If you're interested in starting a Space Wolves army in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game, there are a few steps you can take to get started: 1.Learn the rules: Before you start building and painting your army, it's important to have a good understanding of the game's rules. You can find the most recent version of the rules on the Games Workshop website, or you can buy the rulebook from your local hobby store. 2.Build an army list: Once you have a good understanding of the rules, you can start building an army list. This will give you an idea of the units and characters you want to include in your army and how many of each you will need. You can find army lists online or in various army list books. 3.Get the miniatures: After building an army list, it's time to purchase the miniatures you need. You can find Space Wolves miniatures in various sets on the Games Workshop website or in your local hobby store. 4.Assemble and paint: Once you have your miniatures, it's time to assemble and paint them. This can be a fun and relaxing part of the hobby and can give you a sense of pride when you see your army on the table. 5.Play! Finally, the best way to get started with a Space Wolves army is to play the game. Try to play against different armies and different opponents to get a sense of how your army works and what strategies you can use to be successful. It is also worth mentioning that Space Wolves have a strong sense of customization with their own special traits and stratagems, so it's good to familiarize yourself with them. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from more experienced players, either in person or online.

  • 4. Most popular Space Wolves characters?

    In the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game, there are a few popular Space Wolves characters that are commonly used in army lists: Ragnar Blackmane: He is a Wolf Lord and a powerful melee combatant. He has a number of special abilities that make him an excellent choice for leading a Space Wolves army. He is a versatile character that can be used to take on enemy heavy units in close combat, or to provide support to other units. Canis Wolfborn: He is a Wolf Lord who is also a powerful melee combatant. He is known for his ability to call upon the power of the Wulfen, a fierce and brutal melee unit, to fight alongside him in battle. Bjorn the Fell-handed: He is a Dreadnought, a powerful mechanical war machine, that can be used to provide heavy firepower and melee support to the rest of the army. He has a number of special abilities that make him a formidable opponent in close combat. Logan Grimnar: He is the current Great Wolf of the Space Wolves chapter and one of the most powerful characters in the game. He is a melee combatant and his special abilities allow him to boost the effectiveness of Space Wolves units in close combat. Njal Stormcaller: He is a Rune Priest, a Space Wolves psyker, that can provide powerful psychic support to the rest of the army. He has a number of special abilities that allow him to buff friendly units and debuff enemy units. These are some of the most popular Space Wolves characters, but there are many others that can be used depending on your playstyle and army composition.

  • 5. Typical Space Wolves colour schemes?

    The Space Wolves are a faction in the Warhammer 40,000 universe known for their fierce warrior culture and their colors are heavily influenced by Norse mythology. The typical Space Wolves color scheme is primarily blue and gray, with white and yellow accents. The blue represents the icy landscapes of their home planet, Fenris, and the gray represents their rugged and weathered appearance. The white and yellow accents are used to highlight details and add contrast to the overall scheme. The Space Wolves also have a strong sense of individuality, so you may also see variations in the colors and patterns used to distinguish between different units and individuals within the chapter. For example, the shoulder pads may have different colors and symbols to represent different packs or companies within the chapter, and individuals may also have unique markings or personal heraldry. Additionally, the Space Wolves also use red, black and silver colors in their scheme, these colors can be used for trimming or details such as weapons, eyes, teeth and other areas. It is important to note that the color scheme can be customized to your preference, so feel free to experiment and find a scheme that you like.