Drown your enemies beneath a green tide with a Killdakka Warband. With more Boyz and big guns than you can shake a choppa at, you'll be able to slaughter anything that stands in your way.
This set includes the following multipart plastic kits:
1x Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun
1x Deffkilla Wartrike
1x Dakkajet (can instead be assembled as a Wazbom Blastajet, Blitza-Bommer, or Burna-Bommer)
5x Nobz and 1x Grot
10x Gretchin and 1x Runtherd
20x Boyz
The set also includes 1x Ork Transfer Sheet with 439 transfers. Each miniature comes supplied with an appropriate base. They are supplied unpainted and require assembly
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