Theoden, King of Rohan, is a prominent character in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. He rules the land of Rohan from its capital, Edoras, and leads his people in their struggle against the forces of darkness.
As King of Rohan, Theoden is depicted as a noble and courageous leader, beloved by his people. However, he falls under the influence of the treacherous advisor Gríma Wormtongue and becomes weakened and indecisive. It is not until Gandalf the White breaks Wormtongue's hold over him that Theoden is able to reclaim his strength and lead his people once more.
In the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game by Games Workshop, Theoden King of Rohan is typically represented as a powerful hero, capable of inspiring his warriors to great deeds on the battlefield. He is often depicted wearing the armor of a Rohirrim king and wielding his legendary sword, Herugrim.
Players can include Theoden King of Rohan in their armies to lead the Riders of Rohan into battle against the forces of darkness. With his unmatched skill in combat and his unwavering determination to defend his people, Theoden King of Rohan is a formidable force on the battlefield, inspiring hope and courage in his allies and striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.
This kit comes as 22 components, and is supplied with 1 Citadel 40mm Round base and 1 Citadel 25mm Round base.
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