
Kromlech Orc Gasmask Heads New
$ 13.25 CAD
Kromlech Legionary Thunder Gun with under-barrel Plasma Gun New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Morbid Legionary Heads New
$ 16.25 CAD
Kromlech Orc CCW Arms New
$ 11.25 CAD
Kromlech Orc Cyber Pirates Heads New
$ 14.25 CAD
Kromlech Buzzsaws & Drills New
$ 14.25 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Highlanders Kneeling Legs (6) New
$ 14.25 CAD
Kromlech Punk Orcs Heads New
$ 12.95 CAD
Kromlech Space Legionary Bionic Running Legs New
$ 17.25 CAD
Kromlech Spikey Bits Set 4 (16) New
$ 13.25 CAD
Kromlech Orc Vehicles Krushin' Klaw (1) New
$ 21.50 CAD
Kromlech Legionary Assault Tank Turret: Annihilation Beamer (1) New
$ 21.50 CAD
Kromlech Blitzkrieg 222 Assault Vehicle New
$ 62.75 CAD
Kromlech Gore Legion Power Gloves (5) New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Gore Legion Thunder Pistols Set1 [right] (5) New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Gore Legion Thunder Pistols Set1 [left] (5) New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Gore Legion Chain Swords [left] (5) New
$ 13.00 CAD
Kromlech Dragonborn Heads (10) New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Orc Chain Axes (10) New
$ 13.00 CAD
Kromlech Legionary Twin Thunder Gun (5) New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Legionary Veteran Heads: Liberator Pattern (5) New
$ 9.50 CAD
Kromlech Legionary Thunder Gun: Retribution Pattern (5) New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Chaos Legionary Infernum Banner New
$ 7.50 CAD
Kromlech Bedlam Freternity Legs New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Bedlam Fraternity Torsos New
$ 12.25 CAD
Kromlech Savage Orc Heads New
$ 13.25 CAD
Kromlech Orc Armoured Torsos New
$ 13.25 CAD
Kromlech Chem Troopers Heads New
$ 14.25 CAD
Kromlech Legionary Assault Tank Sponsons: Heavy Flamers
$ 16.75 CAD
Kromlech Legionary APC Turret: Twin Lascannon
$ 19.50 CAD
Kromlech Battle Tank Turret: Twin Lascannon
$ 21.50 CAD
Kromlech Battle Tank Turret: Plasma Cannon
$ 21.50 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Guard Power Fists New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Guard Power Swords New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Guard Laser Rifles New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Guard Grenade Launchers New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Guard Magma Guns New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Guard Plasma Guns New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Desert Raiders Guard Heads (10) New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Cyber Samurai Veteran Heads (10) New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Cyber Samurai Banners (10) New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Cyber Samurai Vibro Katanas - Left (5) New
$ 20.00 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Guard Plasma Pistols New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Guard Sniper Rifles New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Omega Legion Backpacks (5) New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Heresy Shoulder Pads - Studded (10) New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Seraphim Knights Thunder Shields (3) New
$ 16.00 CAD
Kromlech Imperial Crusaders Shoulder Pads (10) New
$ 14.00 CAD

High-Quality Resin Bits for your 40k Models and More!

Imported from Poland

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1.What does Kromlech make?

    Kromlech is a company that specializes in creating tabletop gaming miniatures, accessories, and conversion parts. Their products are primarily geared towards wargaming and other tabletop miniature games, such as Warhammer 40,000 and other science fiction and fantasy games. Kromlech's product range includes a variety of miniature models, such as orcs, goblins, chaos demons, space marines, and other creatures, as well as conversion parts like weapons, armor, and accessories that can be used to customize existing models. In addition to their miniature products, Kromlech also produces dice, gaming mats, and other tabletop gaming accessories.

  • 2. What are conversion bits?

    Conversion bits, also known as conversion parts, are miniature accessories that are designed to be used to customize and modify existing tabletop gaming miniatures. These bits are typically made from plastic or resin, and they can be attached to a miniature using glue or other adhesive.

    Conversion bits come in many different forms and can be used to alter a miniature's appearance or add new features to it. For example, a conversion bit might be a weapon that can be added to a miniature's hand, or a head that can be used to swap out the original head on a miniature to create a different look. Some conversion bits are designed to be used together to create a specific theme or aesthetic, such as a set of bits that are all designed to create a group of futuristic soldiers.

    Using conversion bits is a popular way for hobbyists and gamers to customize their miniatures and create unique armies or characters that stand out on the tabletop. It also allows for greater creativity and personalization in the hobby, as players can use their imagination to create the exact miniature they envision for their gaming needs.

  • 3. Where is Kromlech based out of??

    Kromlech is based in Poland. The company is located in the city of Raszyn, which is near the capital city of Warsaw. Kromlech was founded in 2008 by Sebastian Makowski, and has since grown to become a well-known producer of tabletop gaming miniatures and accessories.

    The company has a strong online presence and sells its products through its own website, as well as through various online retailers and hobby stores around the world. Kromlech's products are popular with tabletop gaming enthusiasts and hobbyists who are looking for high-quality, unique miniatures and accessories to use in their games.