Konflikt 47
Konflikt 47 Japanese Shibito squad New
The Shibito Squads were relentless on the battlefields of 1947, immune to fear and programmed to fight until they collapse. US and Commonwealth tro...
View full detailsKonflikt 47 Allied Coyote/Guardian Light Walker New
Konflikt 47 Allied Coyote/Guardian Light Walker Since its introduction in late 1945, the Coyote has served with distinction in all theatres and e...
View full detailsKonflikt 47 Soviet Siberian Terror Squad New
Through a combination of espionage, scientific exploitation of prisoners, and defecting scientists, the Soviet Union gained substantial knowledge o...
View full detailsKonflikt 47 German Wehrmacht Heavy Infantry K47 New
The Fallschirmjäger were famed from the beginning of WW2 for their involvement in capturing Belgium, the Netherlands and France. Though nearly deci...
View full detailsKonflikt 47 Britain starter set New
Konflikt 47 Britain starter set March 1947. Europe is gradually emerging from it's most severe winter in living memory. Dug in through the winter,...
View full detailsKonflikt 47 Soviet starter set New
March 1947. As Europe emerges from the worst winter in living memory the Soviet war machine is replenished and ready for action. 1946 was not the g...
View full detailsKonflikt '47 Rule Book New
Written by Chris Hale and with fantastic artwork by Jon Cave and Russ Charles this mighty 208 page rule book contains the complete background a...
View full detailsBolt Action Konflikt '47: US M5A5/6 Jackal Light Walker New
Bolt Action Konflikt '47: US M5A5/6 Jackal Light Walker This box contains: Enough resin and metal to create one Jackal A breakthrough in the...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - US Konflikt 47 Starter Set New
As World War II continues beyond 1945, the battling countries have become even more desperate to develop new super weapons to give them a winnin...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Chi-Ha Medium Tank with Compression Turret New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Chi-Ha Medium Tank with Compression Turret The advent of Rift-technology, however, has allowed Japan to close the gap i...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - US M8A3 Tesla Scout New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - US M8A3 Tesla Scout When the scientists leading the Rift-tech Tesla weapons programme offered the US military a lighter...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Italian Stuart-T Tesla Tank New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Italian Stuart-T Tesla Tank Italy’s demands for armoured vehicles was both passionate and excessive, but the Allies qui...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - German Sd.Kfz 234 / X Puma New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - German Sd.Kfz 234 / X Puma The highly advanced SdKfz 234 series of armoured cars are an obvious platform on which to pl...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Soviet T34/ZP New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Soviet T34/ZP In the north, the Soviets maintain pressure on the Germans with fighting heaviest around the embattled ci...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - British Hornet Medium Walker New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - British Hornet Medium Walker As the effectiveness and versatility of the US medium walkers was proven repeatedly in com...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Soviet Mastodon Heavy Walker New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Soviet Mastodon Heavy Walker The Mastadon is a behemoth, well armoured, mobile and mechanically reliable. The design re...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Japanese Infantry with Compression Rifles New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - Japanese Infantry with Compression Rifles Using both disposable and rechargeable power-packs that capitalise on Japan’s...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - British Automated Carrier New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - British Automated Carrier As British research and development continue in the embryonic fields of automation and automo...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - British Cromwell with Tesla Cannon New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - British Cromwell with Tesla Cannon With Europe suffering the worst winter in memory, military activity slows to a ...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - British Grenadiers
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - British Grenadiers In order to test new equipment and technology coming from the UK’s Rift-tech labs and workshops, the...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - US Kodiak Walker New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - US Kodiak Walker As the US developed walker tactics for regiments of Grizzly and Bruin walkers it became apparent that...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - M4A9-T Sherman with Tesla Cannon New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - M4A9-T Sherman with Tesla Cannon As US scientists struggled to perfect the first weaponised application of Rift-tech k...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - US Bruin Assault Walker New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - US Bruin Assault Walker The Grizzly works well in most situations but when it comes to heavy defences, or when confron...
View full detailsBolt Action: Konflikt '47 - German Thor Heavy Panzermech New
Bolt Action: Konflikt '47 - German Thor Heavy Panzermech The Thor panzermech is designed to enter the toughest urban environments and deal with e...
View full detailsKonflikt ’47 is a standalone game inspired by the hugely successful Bolt Action, designed by Clockwork Goblin Miniatures and produced by Warlord Games and Osprey Publishing The Konflikt '47 rulebook is a stand-alone rule set designed using the Bolt Action World War II tabletop wargame. It contains all the rules, background and forces needed to play an alternate history or science fiction wargame set in 1947 using a fictional variation of history.
Frequently Asked Questions
1.What is Konflikt 47?
Konflikt ’47 is a standalone game inspired by the hugely successful Bolt Action, designed by Clockwork Goblin Miniatures and produced by Warlord Games and Osprey Publishing The Konflikt '47 rulebook is a stand-alone rule set designed using the Bolt Action World War II tabletop wargame. It contains all the rules, background and forces needed to play an alternate history or science fiction wargame set in 1947 using a fictional variation of history.
2.What is the lore of Konflikt 47?
As World War II continues beyond 1945, the battling countries have become even more desperate to develop new super weapons to give them a winning advantage. Exploiting new technologies revealed from the first nuclear explosions, the Axis and Allied forces quickly develop new tanks and strange armored walkers to become the vanguard of their armies, supported by new highly equipped or terribly twisted troops. With the Soviet Union seceding from the Allies the war now becomes a three-way conflict!
3.Unique gameplay features of Konflikt 47?
Adding to the core rules that many gamers are familiar with from Bolt Action, Konflikt ’47 allows the addition of completely new types of units and models to existing 28mm Bolt Action armies and the creation of completely new forces set in the alternate future of 1947. Konflikt ’47 introduces ‘Weird War’ weaponry – including the stunning range of walkers and other mechanical monstrosities!
4.Best way to start playing Konflikt 47?
The best approach to get into Konflikt’47 is to find your army of choice and pick up a starter set. Each is focussed on a specific army and provides the basic requirements for any force plus the rules. Then, on top of these sets, you’ll easily be able to expand with the many options, which are being added to all the time, in the Konflikt’47 collection.