Tempestus Scions (sing. Tempestus Scion) (pronounced "Tem-PEST-ess cy-ONS"), or as they are known in Low Gothic, Storm Troopers, are the elite special forces units of the Astra Militarum and the Inquisition, but officially belong to a subdivision of the Adeptus Administratum known as the Militarum Tempestus.
You have the option to replace the hot-shot lasguns with a choice of five additional special weapons: a plasma gun, meltagun, grenade launcher, flamer or hot-shot volley gun. This kit also includes a vox-caster backpack which allows one of your Tempestus Scions to fulfil the role of Vox-cast operator.
This kit can also be assembled as a Tempestus Scions Command Squad. It is supplied unpainted and requires assembly
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