Novitiates are the spirited young recruits of the Adepta Sororitas, trained rigorously by the Drill Abbots of the Schola Progenium. These eager warriors are sent to an Order Militant to hone their skills, earning their place through combat experience and proving their worth on the battlefield.
This set provides everything you need to field your Novitiates in Kill Team. Included are concise reference cards detailing team selection rules, operative datacards, faction-specific abilities, strategic and firefight ploys, equipment options, and universal rules. You'll also find a marker and token guide to streamline your games. Perfect for players eager to bring the fiery zeal of the Novitiates to their Kill Team battles!
Contains 37 Cards:
– 12x Operative datacards
– 1x Faction rule card
– 4x Faction equipment cards
– 4x Strategy ploy cards
– 4x Firefight ploy cards
– 1x Marker/Token guide card
– 1x Team selection card
– 10x Universal equipment cards
Please note that a copy of the Kill Team: Core Book, available separately, is required to use the contents of this card pack.
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