$ 90.00 CAD

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The Maggotkin of Nurgle Pusgoyle Blightlords are a formidable unit within the forces of Nurgle in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Here's an overview of these grotesque and resilient warriors:

Corrupted Champions: The Pusgoyle Blightlords are Nurgle's chosen champions, transformed into monstrous beings of decay and pestilence. Once mortal warriors, they have been blessed by Nurgle with grotesque mutations, turning them into towering, fly-ridden abominations.

Daemonic Mounts: Mounted atop massive Rot Flies, the Pusgoyle Blightlords soar into battle with unnatural speed and agility. These vile creatures are bloated with corruption, their bodies oozing with toxic slime and infested with swarms of disease-carrying flies.

Plague-ridden Weapons: The Pusgoyle Blightlords wield a variety of deadly weapons tainted by Nurgle's foul blessings. From rusted blades to putrid flails, their weapons are coated in corrosive toxins and infectious filth, capable of reducing even the hardiest of foes to rotting corpses.

Resilient Warriors: Blessed with Nurgle's resilience, the Pusgoyle Blightlords are incredibly tough and difficult to kill. Their bodies are bloated with unnatural vitality, allowing them to shrug off wounds that would slay lesser beings. They revel in pain and suffering, laughing off even the most grievous injuries.

Agents of Decay: The Pusgoyle Blightlords serve as agents of decay and destruction, spreading Nurgle's blessings wherever they go. They revel in the stench of rot and the sight of death, spreading disease and contagion with every swing of their weapons and every beat of their leathery wings.

Heralds of Nurgle: As champions of Nurgle, the Pusgoyle Blightlords inspire fear and revulsion in all who oppose them. They are harbingers of death and decay, leading Nurgle's armies into battle with an unshakeable determination to spread their master's blessings to all corners of the Mortal Realms.

Unholy Union: The Pusgoyle Blightlords represent the unholy union of mortal and daemon, their forms twisted and contorted by Nurgle's corrupting influence. They are no longer truly mortal, but neither are they fully daemonic, existing in a state of grotesque hybridity between the two realms.

In summary, the Maggotkin of Nurgle Pusgoyle Blightlords are fearsome champions of decay and pestilence, mounted atop monstrous Rot Flies and wielding vile weapons tainted by Nurgle's foul blessings. With their resilience, their speed, and their unyielding devotion to their malevolent master, they strike fear into the hearts of all who oppose them on the battlefield.The Pusgoyle Blightlords come as 76 components, and are supplied with 2 Citadel 60mm Round bases. This kit can be optionally used to assemble a Lord of Afflictions.

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