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Hail Caesar Ancient Celts: Druids

Celtic druids were highly respected and influential members of ancient Celtic society, serving as priests, teachers, and judges. Druids held a unique position within the social and religious hierarchy, acting as intermediaries between the gods and the people. They were responsible for conducting religious rituals, including sacrifices, divination, and the celebration of seasonal festivals such as Samhain and Beltane.

Druids were also the keepers of knowledge and tradition. They were well-versed in the oral traditions, myths, and laws of the Celtic people, often acting as advisors to chieftains and kings. Their extensive education, which could take up to 20 years, included subjects like philosophy, astronomy, medicine, and poetry. This made them the intellectual elite of Celtic society.

In addition to their religious and educational roles, druids played a crucial part in the legal system, mediating disputes and presiding over trials. Their judgments were highly respected and considered binding. They also had the power to excommunicate individuals from religious ceremonies, which was a severe punishment in a society where religious observance was deeply intertwined with daily life.

The druids' connection to nature was a significant aspect of their identity. They often held their ceremonies in sacred groves of oak trees, believing that these natural spaces were imbued with spiritual significance. The reverence for nature extended to their medicinal practices, which included the use of various herbs and plants for healing.

During the Roman conquest of Celtic territories, the druids were seen as a threat to Roman authority due to their influence and ability to inspire resistance among the Celtic tribes. This led to efforts to suppress the druidic order, culminating in the destruction of druidic sites and the persecution of druids, especially under the reign of Emperor Claudius. Despite this, the legacy of the druids has endured, and they remain a symbol of Celtic heritage and spiritual tradition.

This bag contains 4 miniatures.