World War III: Team Yankee Soviet 2S3 Acacia Heavy SP Howitzer Battery New

$ 47.75 CAD

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1 Soviet Red 2S3 Acacia Heavy SP Howitzer Battery box set contains:

  • 3 Resin And Metal Acacia Heavy SP Vehicles
  • 2 Unit Cards

The arrival of the US M109 self-propelled howitzer in the NATO arsenal prompted the Soviet Union to develop a similar self-propelled howitzer of their own. The result was the 2S3 Acacia, which first entered service in 1973.

The Soviet Union's most powerful forces are stationed in East Germany and Czechoslovakia, poised on the border with West Germany ready to strike at a moment's notice. They are equipped with the very best Soviet industry has to offer, from sophisticated missile firing T-64 tanks and powerful T-72 tanks to versatile BMP infantry fighting vehicles, as well as plentiful BTR-60 armoured personnel carriers. Supported by elite Afgansty Air Assault troops, powerful self-propelled artillery, and effective and numerous anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, there will be little that the corrupt capitalist armies of NATO can do to stop them.

Supplied unpainted & unassembled