$ 10.63 CAD

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Discover Unmatched Detailing with the CITADEL Medium Texture Brush

Elevate your painting projects with the CITADEL Medium Texture Brush, designed to add depth and dimension to your miniatures through precise texture application. Whether you're creating rugged landscapes on bases or adding intricate details to your models, this brush is engineered to help you achieve professional-grade results with ease. Its medium size is perfect for both detailed work and covering moderate areas, making it a versatile tool in your painting arsenal.

Key Features:

Specialized Bristles: The Medium Texture Brush is equipped with stiff, durable bristles that are specifically designed to handle texture paints. These bristles are shaped to pick up and apply the perfect amount of product, ensuring consistent coverage and texture.

Ergonomic Design: The handle is ergonomically crafted for comfort and control, reducing hand fatigue during long painting sessions. This design enhances your grip and precision, allowing for detailed texture work without discomfort.

Medium-Sized Head: The brush's head is ideally sized for a variety of applications, from adding fine sand and gravel textures to larger areas of terrain. Its size strikes the perfect balance between detail and efficiency.

Durability: Built with high-quality materials, the CITADEL Medium Texture Brush is designed to withstand the specific demands of texture painting. Its bristles maintain their shape and stiffness over time, ensuring a long-lasting, reliable tool for your projects.


  • Achieve precise, even application of texture paints, enhancing the realism and depth of your miniatures and bases.
  • Enjoy comfortable, controlled painting with an ergonomically designed handle tailored for extended use.
  • Utilize a versatile brush capable of producing a wide range of textured effects, from subtle grit to pronounced terrain features.
  • Depend on a durable, high-quality brush that remains a go-to tool in your painting toolkit for years to come.

Ideal For:

The CITADEL Medium Texture Brush is perfect for miniature painters and hobbyists looking to introduce textured effects into their work. Whether you're a beginner experimenting with basing techniques or an experienced painter aiming to add complexity to your models, this brush provides the precision and versatility needed to elevate your creations.

Transform Your Miniatures with Texture:

With the CITADEL Medium Texture Brush, adding engaging textures to your miniatures and bases has never been easier. Its specialized design ensures that every dab and stroke contributes to a more immersive, detailed, and captivating miniature world.

Incorporate the CITADEL Medium Texture Brush into your painting routine and witness the transformation in your miniatures, as you bring to life the rich, tactile landscapes and details that set your work apart.

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