$ 148.75 CAD

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The Fyreslayers are a race of duardin (dwarfs) who revere the shattered god Grimnir. They are known for their exceptional combat skills and the unique ur-gold runes embedded in their flesh, which grant them enhanced abilities. The Vanguard units are often the first to engage the enemy, using their mobility and aggression to disrupt and weaken opposing forces.

Key Features:

  • Vanguard-Pelted Warriors: These units are equipped with heavy armor adorned with sacred runes, providing a balance of protection and agility. Their weapons are crafted from the finest duardin smithing traditions, capable of cleaving through the toughest of foes.
  • Swift and Agile: Unlike the more heavily armored Hearthguard, Vanguard units prioritize speed and maneuverability. This allows them to outflank enemies and exploit weaknesses in the enemy lines.
  • Relentless Assault: Vanguard units are trained to maintain a relentless offensive, overwhelming their foes with a flurry of attacks. Their ferocity in combat is unmatched, often breaking enemy formations through sheer force of will.
  • Fire-Infused Weaponry: Their weapons are often enchanted with fire, symbolizing their connection to the molten heart of the Fyreslayers' volcanic homes. This fire-infused weaponry not only deals additional damage but can also cause lingering burns that continue to harm the enemy over time.

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