$ 80.33 CAD

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The Khemri Necrosphinx is a fearsome construct used by the Tomb Kings of Khemri in the Warhammer Fantasy Battles universe. Here's an overview of this formidable unit:

Ancient Construct: The Khemri Necrosphinx is an ancient and terrifying construct crafted by the necromantic sorcery of the Tomb Kings. It is a towering and grotesque fusion of metal and bone, brought to life through dark magic to serve as a relentless war machine on the battlefield.

Skeletal Monstrosity: The Necrosphinx resembles a monstrous amalgamation of a giant sphinx and a skeletal reptile. Its body is adorned with ancient glyphs and symbols, marking it as a creation of the Tomb Kings' dark sorcery. Its skeletal frame is overlaid with thick plates of armor, making it nigh-invulnerable to all but the most powerful of weapons.

Unstoppable Force: The Khemri Necrosphinx is a relentless force of destruction on the battlefield, crushing everything in its path with its massive claws and razor-sharp teeth. It moves with unnatural speed and agility, leaping upon its enemies with terrifying ferocity and tearing them apart with brutal efficiency.

Dark Magic: The Necrosphinx is imbued with dark magic, granting it enhanced strength, speed, and resilience. It is also able to channel this magic into devastating attacks, unleashing blasts of dark energy or summoning swarms of spectral creatures to aid it in battle.

Terror Incarnate: The sight of a Necrosphinx on the battlefield strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest warriors. Its terrifying presence inspires terror and despair in its enemies, sowing confusion and panic among their ranks and driving them to flee in terror.

Relentless Hunter: The Khemri Necrosphinx is a relentless hunter, stalking its prey with silent and deadly precision. It prowls the battlefield in search of its next victim, striking without warning and leaving nothing but destruction and death in its wake.

Servant of the Tomb Kings: The Necrosphinx is a loyal servant of the Tomb Kings, obeying their commands without question and defending them with its life if necessary. It is often employed as a shock assault unit in the Tomb Kings' armies, leading the charge into battle and striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.

In summary, the Khemri Necrosphinx is a terrifying construct created by the Tomb Kings of Khemri, imbued with dark magic and unleashed upon the battlefield as a relentless force of destruction. With its massive size, formidable strength, and terrifying presence, it is a fearsome opponent that strikes fear into the hearts of its enemies and serves as a loyal servant of its Tomb King masters.

This kit also includes a Tomb King, who can be assembled on foot with a separate base. The kit can alternatively build a Khemrian Warsphinx, a guardian construct that carries a war-howdah into battle.

This kit comprises 88 plastic components, and comes with 1x Citadel 25mm Square Base, and 1x Citadel 60x100mm Rectangular Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
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