Kings of War Northern Alliance Icekin Hunter/ berserker Regiment

$ 40.00 CAD

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Kings of War Northern Alliance Icekin Hunter/ berserker Regiment

The Ice Kin are more rugged than their southern brethren. They dress in thick furs and leather, the delicate fabrics worn by the other elves not being suited to the lands of the north. Half-Elves are almost universally treated as outcasts within the realms of Elvenholme. Conversely, they are often seen by humans as enigmatic and desirable. More impetuous and hotblooded than their elven kin, they struggle with their dual heritage, constantly fighting internal battles to retain control.

Only the Ice Kin, backed by the understanding of Talannar for their plight, are willing to take these unfortunate beings in, helping them to temper their anger and focus it on the field of battle for a good and worthy cause.


- 20x hard plastic Ice Kin Hunters / Half-Elf Berserkers

- 2x MDF 100x80mm bases

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires superglue. It is recommended to wash resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.