Hail Caesar Sarmatian Horse Archers New

$ 32.50 CAD

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Hail Caesar Sarmatian Horse Archers 

Pack contains 3 mounted metal figures

Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

Sarmatian horse archers were formidable cavalry units known for their exceptional mobility and archery skills. Originating from the Eurasian steppes, these warriors were adept at mounted combat, utilizing their swift horses to outmaneuver enemies.

Clad in light armor and equipped with powerful composite bows, Sarmatian horse archers excelled in hit-and-run tactics, launching volleys of arrows while remaining elusive. Their combat style allowed them to harass and weaken opponents from a distance before closing in for melee combat with swords or spears.

Renowned for their effectiveness, they were often employed as mercenaries by various ancient empires, including Rome, where their skills significantly impacted the battlefield dynamics.