D&D Icons of the Realms Mini: Van Richtens Guide to Ravenloft Gravedrinker New

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D&D Icons of the Realms Mini: Van Richtens Guide to Ravenloft Gravedrinker

In "Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft," the Gravedrinker is a terrifying creature that lurks in the shadowy corners of graveyards and burial grounds within the domains of Ravenloft. Here's a brief overview of the Gravedrinker:

Appearance: The Gravedrinker is a grotesque and macabre entity, often described as a twisted amalgamation of skeletal remains and decaying flesh. Its form is shrouded in tattered burial shrouds, and its eyes gleam with an eerie, otherworldly light. Despite its undead nature, the Gravedrinker exudes a sense of predatory intelligence and malevolence.

Abilities: As its name suggests, the Gravedrinker possesses a horrifying ability to consume the essence of the dead. It feeds upon the residual life force left behind in corpses, draining them of vitality and leaving nothing but desiccated husks in its wake. This ability not only sustains the Gravedrinker but also empowers it, granting enhanced strength and resilience.

Moreover, the Gravedrinker has a supernatural affinity for the darkness and shadows, allowing it to move with uncanny stealth and agility. It often lurks unseen amidst tombstones and mausoleums, waiting to ambush unsuspecting prey.

Behavior: Gravedrinkers are solitary and reclusive creatures, preferring the solitude of graveyards and crypts where they can indulge their dark hunger without interference. They are opportunistic hunters, stalking graveyards for fresh corpses to feed upon. However, they are also intelligent and cunning, capable of setting traps and luring victims into their clutches.

Despite their predatory nature, Gravedrinkers are not mindless monsters. Some legends suggest that they retain fragments of their former selves, memories of lives lost long ago. This tragic aspect adds depth to their character and raises questions about the nature of undeath within the domains of Ravenloft.

Encounters: Encounters with Gravedrinkers are fraught with peril, as they are relentless in their pursuit of prey. Adventurers who venture into graveyards or burial sites within Ravenloft must remain vigilant, lest they fall victim to the Gravedrinker's insatiable hunger.

In "Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft," the Gravedrinker serves as a chilling example of the horrors that lurk within the dark corners of the demiplane of dread. Its presence adds a sense of dread and foreboding to any campaign set within the gothic realms of Ravenloft.

Plastic components. Approximate Height: 175mm Contents: 1 Miniature ‣ Gravedrinker (100mm Base) Miniatures are supplied pre-painted and pre-assembled.

The 21th set in our Icons of the Realms line of pre-painted Dungeons & Dragons miniatures Premium Set.