Hail Caesar
Hail Caesar Roman Cart
Hail Caesar Roman Cart The Roman cart, known as a "plaustrum" or "carpentum," was an essential vehicle in ancient Rome, used for various purposes...
View full detailsHail Caesar Roman Kneeling Battleline
Hail Caesar Roman Kneeling Battleline Roman legionaries were the backbone of the Roman military, renowned for their discipline, training, and effec...
View full detailsHail Caesar Roman Western Auxiliary Archers Contubernium
Hail Caesar Roman Western Auxiliary Archers Contubernium A contubernium of Western Auxiliary Archers in the Roman army was a small unit typically c...
View full detailsHail Caesar Roman Caesarian Roman Scorpion
Hail Caesar Roman Caesarian Roman Scorpion The Caesarian Roman scorpion was a type of torsion-powered artillery used during Julius Caesar's milit...
View full detailsHail Caesar Ancient Celts Mounted Celt Command
Hail Caesar Ancient Celts Mounted Celt Command Ancient Celt cavalry played a significant role in the military tactics and strategies of various C...
View full detailsHail Caesar Ancient Celts Short Weapons Pack
Hail Caesar Ancient Celts Short Weapons Pack This pack contains a variety of short hand weapons including a flaming brand. This is great for conv...
View full detailsHail Caesar Ancient Celts: Warhound Packmaster
Hail Caesar Ancient Celts: Warhound Packmaster The Celts used warhounds as a unique and formidable component of their military forces in battles ...
View full detailsHail Caesar Germanic Tribes Clubs
Hail Caesar Germanic Tribes Clubs The ancient Germanic tribes were known for their diverse and adaptable approach to warfare, employing a variety...
View full detailsHail Caesar Viking Berserkers
Hail Caesar Viking Berserkers Viking berserkers were legendary Norse warriors renowned for their ferocious and uncontrollable fighting style. Oft...
View full detailsHail Caesar Icelandic Vikings
Hail Caesar Icelandic Vikings Icelandic Vikings were Norse settlers who migrated to Iceland during the late 9th and early 10th centuries, seeking...
View full detailsHail Caesar Norman Archers
Hail Caesar Norman Archers Norman archers were a crucial component of the Norman military during the 11th and 12th centuries, playing a significa...
View full detailsHail Caesar Arthurian Romano-British Mounted Knights B
Hail Caesar Arthurian Romano-British Mounted Knights B Arthurian Romano-British mounted knights were elite cavalry forces in Britain during the l...
View full detailsHail Caesar Arthurian The Age Of Arthur: Knights Of Camelot
Hail Caesar Arthurian The Age Of Arthur: Knights Of Camelot "The Age of Arthur: Knights of Camelot" refers to the legendary period in British his...
View full detailsHail Caesar Arthurian Romano-British Mounted Knights A
Hail Caesar Arthurian Romano-British Mounted Knights A Arthurian Romano-British mounted knights were elite cavalry forces in Britain during the l...
View full detailsHail Caesar Arthurian Romano-British Mounted Knights Command
Hail Caesar Arthurian Romano-British Mounted Knights Command Arthurian Romano-British mounted knights were elite cavalry forces in Britain during...
View full detailsHail Caesar Arthurian The Age Of Arthur: The Hunt For The Holy Grail
Hail Caesar Arthurian The Age Of Arthur: The Hunt For The Holy Grail The Holy Grail is a central element in Arthurian legend, often depicted as t...
View full detailsHail Caesar Successor War Elephant
Hail Caesar Successor War Elephant The armies of Alexander the Great encountered elephants in the armies of their enemies – the Persians and In...
View full detailsHail Caesar Alexander The Great & Philip II Of Macedon
Hail Caesar Alexander The Great & Philip II Of Macedon Philip II of Macedon and his son, Alexander the Great, were two of the most significan...
View full detailsHail Caesar Macedonian Command 2
Hail Caesar Macedonian Command 2 Macedonian phalangites were the backbone of the military forces under Philip II of Macedon and his son, Alexande...
View full detailsHail Caesar Macedonian Command
Hail Caesar Macedonian Command Macedonian phalangites were the backbone of the military forces under Philip II of Macedon and his son, Alexander ...
View full detailsHail Caesar Greeks Thureophoroi Infantry
Hail Caesar Greeks Thureophoroi Infantry Thureophoroi infantry were a type of Hellenistic soldier that emerged in the 3rd century BCE, primaril...
View full detailsHail Caesar Epic Battles (Punic Wars): Allied Troops Division
Hail Caesar Epic Battles (Punic Wars): Allied Troops Division If you’re playing Hail Caesar Epic Battles, you’ll be needing allies – neither Rome...
View full detailsHail Caesar: Celt Starter Army 2023 New
Hail Caesar: Celt Starter Army 2023 A Celt army is one of history's great spectacles – a mass of brightly patterned clothing charging headlong at ...
View full detailsHail Caesar Early Imperial Romans: Medicus New
Hail Caesar Early Imperial Romans: Medicus This Medicus represents the cutting edge of Roman medical technology which sadly for his patient is on a...
View full detailsFrom the Bronze Age to the Roman Empire, from the Spartans to Medieval Knights, Hail Caesar is a tabletop wargame with massed 28mm armies, set in the Ancients era. Hail Caesar is a well presented rule set allowing players to refight battles from antiquity to the early medieval period. The rules are clearly set out, play well and generate decisive battles in less than two hours. The rules allow for multiple players per side and cope with large numbers of figures well. They can also be easily scaled down to match available figures and tabletops.
Frequently Asked Questions
1.What is Hail Caesar by Warlord Games?
From the Bronze Age to the Roman Empire, from the Spartans to Medieval Knights, Hail Caesar is a tabletop wargame with massed 28mm armies, set in the Ancients era. Hail Caesar is a well presented rule set allowing players to refight battles from antiquity to the early medieval period. The rules are clearly set out, play well and generate decisive battles in less than two hours. The rules allow for multiple players per side and cope with large numbers of figures well. They can also be easily scaled down to match available figures and tabletops.
2.What scale is Hail Caesar?
It will surely surprise no one to hear that Hail Caesar has been designed with 28mm models in mind – although the game is equally playable with 20, 15, 10 and 6mm models and all sizes in-between should anyone feel so inclined.
3.Who created the game?
Hail Caesar is written by the hugely talented Rick Priestley who is something of an expert in Ancients gaming. Partly because of his studying in antiquities but some would say that it's also because he was there for the most part.
4.How to play Hail Caesar?
Two-player games take roughly 90 minutes to complete, allow the use of lots of figures, and are easily teachable to new players. The rules use mechanics similar to earlier Priestley rule sets (e.g., Warlord’s Black Powder and GW’s Warmaster series). This includes rolling to activate units and buckets-of-dice combat resolution.