
Armada Basilean Fliers Pack New
R$ 92,00
Armada Basilean Dictator
R$ 183,00
Mantic Games Armada: Dwarf Booster Fleet New
R$ 243,00
Mantic Games Armada: Empire of Dust Booster Fleet New
R$ 243,00
Mantic Games Armada: Basilean Abbess New
R$ 122,00
Armada Orc Fliers Pack New
R$ 92,00
Mantic Armada Trident Realm Tidal Terrors Booster
R$ 89,00
Mantic Armada Trident Realm Booster Fleet
R$ 243,00
Mantic Armada Trident Realm Starter Fleet
R$ 243,00
Mantic Armada Trident Realm Leviathan
R$ 187,00
Armada Dwarf Fliers Pack New
R$ 89,00
Armada Elf Booster Fleet
R$ 243,00
Mantic Games Armada: Orc Smasher New
R$ 122,00
Mantic Games Armada: Two Player Starter Set New
R$ 486,00
Mantic Games Armada: Empire of Dust Starter Fleet New
R$ 223,00
Armada Orc Ripper Hulk
R$ 183,00
Armada Twilight Kin Booster Fleet
R$ 243,00
Mantic Armada Northern Alliance Varangur Fleet Starter New
R$ 243,00
Armada Elf Fliers Pack
R$ 81,00
Armada Elf Starter Fleet
R$ 243,00
Mantic Games Armada: Orc Starter Fleet New
R$ 243,00
Mantic Games Armada: Dwarf Starter Fleet New
R$ 243,00
Armada Empire of Dust Monolith
R$ 162,00
Armada Twilight Kin Starter Fleet
R$ 243,00
Mantic Armada Northern Alliance Varangur Busse New
R$ 162,00
Armada Salamander Starter Fleet New
R$ 223,00
Armada Salamander Drake New
R$ 172,00
Armada Salamander Booster Fleet New
R$ 223,00
Armada Orc Rabble Squadrons New
R$ 94,00
Armada Basilean Sloop Squadrons New
R$ 94,00
Mantic Armada Abyssal Dwarf Starter
R$ 243,00
Mantic Armada Abyssal Dwarf Fliers
R$ 94,00
Mantic Armada Abyssal Dwarf Booster
R$ 243,00
Mantic Armada Abyssal Dwarf Hellfane
R$ 154,00
Mantic Armada Northern Alliance Varangur Fliers Pack New
R$ 94,00
Mantic Armada Northern Alliance Varangur Fleet Booster New
R$ 243,00
Armada Salamander Fliers Pack New
R$ 89,00
Mantic Games Armada: Basilean Booster Fleet New
R$ 203,00
Armada Orc Bloodrunner New
R$ 94,00

In Kings of War, the Armada is a faction composed of seafaring creatures and warriors, such as Kraken, Leviathans, and Naiads. They are led by the Trident Realms, a race of amphibious creatures who inhabit the oceans and rivers of the world. The Armada is known for their fast and agile units, as well as their ability to summon the power of the sea in combat. Their playstyle revolves around mobility, board control, and the ability to strike from unexpected angles, making them a challenging faction to face.

Frequently Asked Questions
    • 1. Who is the armada in Kings of War?

      In Kings of War, the Armada is a faction composed of seafaring creatures and warriors, such as Kraken, Leviathans, and Naiads. They are led by the Trident Realms, a race of amphibious creatures who inhabit the oceans and rivers of the world.

      The Armada is known for their fast and agile units, as well as their ability to summon the power of the sea in combat. Their playstyle revolves around mobility, board control, and the ability to strike from unexpected angles, making them a challenging faction to face.

    • 2. What is the Armada playstyle in Kings of War?

      The Armada in Kings of War is known for their fast and agile playstyle, as well as their ability to control the battlefield through movement and positioning.

      One of the key features of the Armada's playstyle is their mobility. Many of their units have the Amphibious special rule, allowing them to move across water and difficult terrain with ease. Additionally, the Armada has access to a range of fast units, such as the Naiad Heartpiercers, which can move quickly and hit hard.

      Another important aspect of the Armada's playstyle is their ability to control the battlefield. Their units often have the ability to reposition themselves or enemy units, allowing the Armada player to dictate the flow of the battle. The Trident Realms' ability to summon waves and create obstacles can also be used to control the battlefield and limit the movement of enemy units.

      Finally, the Armada is known for their ability to strike from unexpected angles. Units such as the Leviathan and the Kraken can move quickly and attack from unexpected directions, catching the opponent off guard and allowing the Armada player to gain the upper hand.

      Overall, the Armada in Kings of War is a fast and mobile army that relies on movement and positioning to control the battlefield and gain an advantage over their opponents.