Blood Angels - Used
Warhammer Blood Angels Captain A9
Warhammer Blood Angels Captain A9 Incomplete model
Warhammer Blood Angels Captain A10
Warhammer Blood Angels Captain A10 No base
Warhammer Blood Angels Terminator Bits A8
Warhammer Blood Angels Terminator Bits A8
Warhammer Blood Angels Astorath the Grim JYS75
Warhammer Blood Angels Astorath the Grim JYS75 Please refer to photo, may be missing pieces
Warhammer Blood Angels Astorath the Grim Metal A9
Warhammer Blood Angels Astorath the Grim Metal A9 Missing axe / weapon
Warhammer Blood Angels Captain Well Painted JYS26
Warhammer Blood Angels Captain Well Painted JYS26 Missing Bolter
Warhammer Blood Angels Mephiston Metal JYS93
Warhammer Blood Angels Mephiston Metal JYS93
Warhammer Blood Angels Tactical Squad A9
Warhammer Blood Angels Tactical Squad A9 Some parts may be missing
Warhammer Blood Angels Chaplain Well Painted Metal JYS26
Warhammer Blood Angels Chaplain Well Painted Metal JYS26
Warhammer 40K Blood Angels Codex BKS13
Warhammer 40K Blood Angels Codex BKS13
Warhammer Space Marines Blood Angels Captain Custom - JYS48
Warhammer Space Marines Blood Angels Scouts Metal Incomplete JYS72
Warhammer Space Marines Blood Angels Combat Squad Inomplete JYS71
Warhammer Blood Angels Captain JYS73
Warhammer Blood Angels Captain JYS73
Warhammer Blood Angels Death Company JYS61
Warhammer Blood Angels Death Company JYS61
Warhammer Blood Angels Death Company JYS61
Warhammer Blood Angels Death Company JYS61
Warhammer Blood Angels Astorath the Grim JYS77
Warhammer Blood Angels Astorath the Grim JYS77 Requires repairs
Warhammer Blood Angels Chaplain with Jumpack JYS77
Warhammer Blood Angels Chaplain with Jumpack JYS77
Warhammer Blood Angels Various Space Marine Models JYS93
Warhammer Blood Angels Various Space Marine Models JYS93
Warhammer Blood Angels Chaplain Metal JYS25
Warhammer Blood Angels Chaplain Metal JYS25
Warhammer Blood Angels Jumppack Chapla JYS26
Warhammer Blood Angels Jumppack Chapla JYS26
Warhammer Blood Angels Attack Bike Metal JYS29
Warhammer Blood Angels Attack Bike Metal JYS29 Missing Driver
WarhammerHorus Heresy Blood Angels Upgrade Set Torsos A8
WarhammerHorus Heresy Blood Angels Upgrade Set Torsos A8
Warhammer Space Marines Blood Angels Assault Marines On Foot - JYS46
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who are the Blood Angels?
The Blood Angels are one of the first 20 First Founding Legions of the Space Marines. They are well known for their bloodthirsty nature in battle and tend to live the longest out of the current space marine chapters.
2. What is The Blood Angel's playstyle?
They have shooting like all space marines but tend to focus more on close combat and deep striking from reserves, as they are known to be bloodthirsty soldiers. They also focus on using jetpacks with their units to improve their mobility as an army.
3. What is the best way to get started with Blood Angels?
First thing you will need is the Codex for your army which is a book supplement that gives you all the info you need to play and build the army as well as extra lore. In Blood Angels case you will need two codexes which are Codex: Space Marines, and Codex Supplement: Blood Angels as Blood Angels are a Chapter of the Space Marines. The Start Collecting/Combat Patrol boxes are a great choice to start your army because they save you a better amount of money than if you bought the contents separately. Unique units you can buy for the Blood Angels include Sanguinary Guard, Death Company, Baal Predator, and Furioso Dreadnought.
4. Who are some popular Blood Angel Characters?
Commander Dante is the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels and is the longest living space marine that is not a dreadnought. There is also Astorath the Grim. He is the High Chaplain of the Blood Angels and is in charge of granting the Emperor's Peace to those who bear the gene-seed of the Primarch Sanguinius and have been overcome by the genetic Flaw known as the Black Rage.
5. Are Blood Angels a good army?
The Blood Angels are a good army like most armies in Warhammer 40k. If you are seeking a competitive army, then the answer depends on the meta at the time, as every army has its ups and downs in the competitive community. Casual players should not worry about good/bad as it's all about fun.