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Hail Caesar Icelandic Vikings


Icelandic Vikings were Norse settlers who migrated to Iceland during the late 9th and early 10th centuries, seeking new lands and opportunities. They established a unique and influential culture characterized by exploration, seafaring, and the development of a distinctive legal and social system.

The settlers of Iceland were primarily Norwegians, along with some Scots and Irish, who were fleeing conflicts and seeking arable land. The settlement period, known as the Landnám period, saw the establishment of farms and communities across the island.

In 930 AD, the Icelandic Vikings established the Althing, one of the world's oldest parliaments. This assembly provided a forum for legal disputes, decision-making, and the creation of laws, highlighting the importance of governance and social order in Viking society.

Icelandic Vikings were renowned explorers. They ventured westward, discovering and briefly settling in Greenland, and even reaching North America, as evidenced by the archaeological site at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada.

They left a rich legacy of literature, particularly the sagas, which are epic narratives that recount the history, adventures, and conflicts of early Icelandic settlers. These texts provide valuable insights into their culture, beliefs, and way of life.

Around the year 1000 AD, Icelandic Vikings converted to Christianity, a significant cultural shift that was decided at the Althing. This transition marked the end of the pagan era and the integration of Iceland into the broader Christian world.

The Icelandic Vikings are remembered for their pioneering spirit, legal innovations, and contributions to literature and exploration, leaving a lasting impact on Iceland's cultural and historical identity.

The King's of raiding, masters of trade and worthy warriors, it's no wonder the Vikings were so unstoppable.

Pack Contains 3 Icelandic Vikings