Monopoly Dungeons & Dragons New
Heed the Call to Capture Monsters from Across the Forgotten Realms in Monopoly: Dungeons & Dragons! Buy, Sell, and Trade Traditional and Modern Iconic and Deadly Monsters Like the Beholder, Storm Giant, and Infamous Demogorgon to Nerf the Competition. Six Collectible Tokens Representing Classes Including Halfling Rogue, Human Fighter, Elven Ranger, and Tiefling Bard Take You Around the Board to Make Discoveries, Build up Expeditions and Bases, and Collect Custom D&d Currency to Become the Richest Adventurer and Win!
1 Game Board
6 Collectible Tokens: Male Halfling Rogue, Female Dwarf Fighter, Female Tiefling Wizard, Male Elf Cleric, Female Tiefling Bard, Male Human Monk
32 Houses Renamed Expeditions
12 Hotels Renamed Bases
16 Community Chest Cards Renamed Treasurers
16 Chance Cards Renamed Encounters
Custom D&d Money, 2 Dice, Rules
Players 2-6
Ages 8+