Xeryell, QUEEN of the Dominion of Hatred, is a large model: from her base to the tip top point of the wings, we are talking 15cm tall (about 5 inches).
"Xeryell manifests in her Queen form to lead her army of corruption and hate. She advances relentlessly through her enemies ranks and her leathery wings obscure the sun. In this demon form, a single swing of her magic sword cuts off the assault of a full squad and shrinks her enemies hearts in terror..."
Finely crafted in resin. She will fit all popular miniature wargames. Comes with one 50mm round base.
→ Xeryell also comes in a smaller LADY version and in her true self: the even bigger Avatar version.
Leader of the Dominion of Hatred, Xeryell can manifest in various sizes. She can move with her troops in her Lady form in the size of a regular human. She lets her wrath blow and grow to her demon-sized Queen form. She manifests in her full form when she transforms into a massive Avatar and, like a greater god or demon, she dwarfs everything on the battleground...
The Dominion of Hatred is one faction of the Corrupted Sisters:
They had been forgotten in space for too many years...
Aboard the Ark, drifting in space, meant to bring back to Cathedra what was left of life on Earth, a sample of each gene and each book, idea, data that they could salvage from the ravaged Earth.
Trapped in the void of space, the Sisters of the Ark turned into something unexpected. What dark and foul miracle took place inside the ship?
When the Ark reached its final destination, and its bulkhead doors opened, what came out had been corrupted by seven dark damnations. The crew of the ship had become the Corrupted Sisters, split into seven evil dominions...
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