NAM River Mat - Reverse S Bend (Direct Only) New

R$ 169,00

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NAM River Mat - Reverse S Bend (Direct Only)

If you want to be able to expand your river, we also have a special order mat available, which features a reverse S-bend. As well as opening up more possible river shapes, it also gives you the option of creating an impressive 8' x 4' (120cm x 240cm) table for even bigger riverine battles.
Combining the Mekong River Mat set with the Reverse Bend allows more layout options, as well as allowing for bigger battlefields.
Just as the main river is designed to link up with the other panels, so too are the small tributaries. This allows you develop an island network between two major rivers.
In fact, by combining multiple sets, there is no limit to how long your river could get!
Once your river is on the table, it's simply a matter of adding some jungles, villages, and rice paddies on top. The lack of elevation in the Delta allows you to ignore hills and rises, so you’ll be well on your way to heading upriver!