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Hail Caesar Roman Auxiliary Cavalry Command Pack

The Roman Auxiliary Cavalry was a crucial component of the Roman military, complementing the legions with their mobility and versatility. Composed of non-citizen recruits from various provinces of the Roman Empire, these cavalry units brought diverse skills and expertise to the Roman army. Equipped with helmets, chainmail or scale armor, shields, and spears or swords, the auxiliary cavalry were highly adaptable, serving in roles ranging from reconnaissance and skirmishing to direct combat and pursuing fleeing enemies. Their ability to move swiftly across the battlefield allowed them to exploit weaknesses in enemy lines, support infantry operations, and conduct rapid flanking maneuvers. The integration of these skilled horsemen significantly enhanced the overall effectiveness and reach of the Roman military, making them indispensable in campaigns that demanded speed and flexibility. Over time, many auxiliary cavalrymen earned Roman citizenship through their service, further integrating the diverse peoples of the empire into its military and society.

This pack contains the following metal Imperial Roman Auxiliary cavalry:

  • 1 Decurion
  • 1 Vexilifer standard bearer
  • 1 musician with horn

Each model is equipped with shield and javelin quiver.