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Hail Caesar Arthurian Unarmoured Saxon Infantry B


Saxon ceorls were free peasant farmers in Anglo-Saxon England, forming the backbone of rural society from the early medieval period until the Norman Conquest in 1066. Ceorls owned and worked their own land, producing food and goods that sustained the economy. They lived in small, self-sufficient communities and were skilled in agriculture, animal husbandry, and various crafts.

Ceorls also had military obligations; they were required to serve in the fyrd, a local militia, during times of war. They brought their own weapons, such as spears and shields, and provided vital support to the more heavily armed warriors. Despite their relatively humble status, ceorls held certain legal rights, including the ability to attend local assemblies, or "things," where they could voice their opinions and participate in communal decisions. Their role as both producers and defenders made ceorls an essential and respected part of Anglo-Saxon society.

With little to no armour, this makes these Saxons far more agile than their armoured counterparts, making them a difficult opponent to attack and an ideal unit to take the rough ground and achieve an objective.

This blister pack contains 8 Arthurian Unarmoured Saxon Infantry.