Burter is a character from the Dragon Ball Z series and a member of the Ginyu Force, an elite mercenary group working under Frieza. Known for his towering stature and blue skin, Burter is one of the physically strongest members of the team. He prides himself on his incredible speed, often calling himself the "fastest in the universe."
Burter frequently teams up with Jeice, another Ginyu Force member, to attack opponents in tandem. Despite his confidence and speed, Burter meets his end during the battle against Goku, who proves to be faster and stronger.
Dragon Ball Z Burter Funko Pop! Vinyl Figure #1494:
Strike a fierce pose and send a blow to your enemies with Burter! This Dragon Ball Z Burter Pop! Vinyl Figure measures approximately 4 3/4-inches tall and comes packaged in a window display box. Add this towering warrior of The Ginyu Force to your Dragon Ball Z collection!