Usuthu! The feared Zulu warcry of 'Kill!' shouted by hundreds of brave, fierce warriors would put fear into the hearts of most men. The men shouting this battle-cry have a lot to prove as they are the unmarried warriors of the Zulu impis. Zulu tradition held that until they 'washed their spears' in the blood of an enemy of the King they could not choose a girl to marry, so closing and killing an enemy ensured a bride and a greatly enhanced status.
These young bloods moved swiftly in extended order, sniping with their selection of antique firearms or hurling long spears some 30 yards with great accuracy.
Although generally stripping down for close quarter fighting, a Zulu dressed in full regalia was an awe-inspiring sight, with monkey tails, otter fur, cow tails and crane feathers creating a look that might overwhelm a foe by looks alone.
Warlord Games give you the chance to field whole unique regiments or to field some of the more traditional units, and however you assemble and paint them they will look a brave sight on the battlefield.
- Enough plastic components to make 32 Unmarried Zulus.
- A detailed booklet containing a brief version of the history and profile in Black Powder.
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