Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms Shadowdale The Scouring of the Land New

R$ 197,00

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Zhentish soldiers, Maerimydran drow, and Sharran cultist have forged a dark alliance to subjugate the peaceful land of Shadowdale. Elmister's tower lies in ruins, Lord Amcathra governs at the sufferance of the dale's conquerors, and the very Weave of magic in this embattled land seems to fray with each passing day. The Zhentish yoke lies heavy over Shadowdale - but the Dalesfolk are ready to fight for their freedom, if only they can find true heroes to lead the way!
To drive the villains out of Shadowdale, the heroes must organize and lead a desperate revolt of Dalesfolk against their conquerors, as well as thwart the sinister designs of Shar’s servants and the Zhent garrison.
This Forgotten Realms campaign adventure is designed for characters of levels 9-13.
Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land is the second part of a three-part series of 160-page hardcover super-adventures set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, although it can be easily played as a stand-alone adventure. Each encounter contains tactical information for the Dungeon Master and expanded map features for ease of play. In addition to encounters, this book contains detailed source material on the town of Shadowdale and environs.