Dungeons and Dragons DDR 3.5 Eberron Eyes of the Lich Queen New

R$ 118,00

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Be the first to find the Dragon's Eye!

What begins as a simple expedition to explore an ancient jungle temple sends adventurers headlong into a search for the Dragon's Eye, an artifact created ages ago by demons in order to gain power over dragons. But where exactly is this mysterious artifact, and why do the Cloudreavers and the Emerald Claw think the adventurers already have it? Only Lady Vol knows the truth. Her deadly cat-and-mouse game leads the characters from the wilderness of Q'barra to the wild coasts of the Lhazaar Principalities and the soaring peaks of Argonnessen. There, at last, they can learn the secret of the Dragon's Eye and foil the lich queen's plans... if they survive!

Eyes of the Lich Queen, an adventure for the Dungeons & Dragons game, draws on the richness of the Eberron campaign setting. Designed for heroes of 5th level, this adventure sends them on a world-spanning journey as they battle cultists, pirates, long-dead spirits, and even dragons in their search for the enigmatic Dragon's Eye.

For use with these Dungeons & Dragons core products: Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Manual, Eberron Campaign Setting.