Black Void Rpg Core Rulebook Hc - Rpb1
Format: Full Color Hardback Book
“a Dark Esoteric Tabletop Roleplaying Game About the Fall and Resurgence of Humanity”
Survival Is only The Beginning...!
In the Days when Babylon Was the Greatest City on Earth, Mankind Lived in Placid Ignorance of The Grandeur, Vastness and Horror of The Cosmos. Following Cataclysmic Events on Earth the Fragile Veil Between Reality and The Void Was Shattered and The Truth of Existence Was Revealed. as Mankind Cried to Their Gods for Salvation, They Were Torn from Earth by Void Torrents and The Surviving Peoples Were Scattered Among the Stars. Countless Where Lost and Mankind Seemed All but Perished.
Over the Decades the Lone Survivors, Stragglers and Ragged Remnants of Mankind’s Tribes Struggled for Survival Across Countless Uncaring Worlds. However, a Few Managed to Go Beyond Mere Subsistence and Travelled the Void Currents to Find Fabled Llyhn, Epicentre of The Cosmos. the Survivors Congregated and Created Enclaves Within the Eternal City - Small Communities Where Mankind Could Survive and Start to Rebuild All Which Was Lost.
You Are Descendants of The Survivors from Earth, the Lost Cradle of Humanity. Llyhn Is Your Home Now. Swarming with Outlandish Life Forms, Eccentric Daimons and Fickle Demigods; It Is a Swelling Cosmopolis of Intrigue, Wonder, Treachery, Corruption, Beauty, Decadence and Eldritch Menace.
Behind You Lie the Smouldering Ruins of A Once Great Species Trying to Reclaim Former Glory, Before You the Mysteries of Llyhn and A Vast Treacherous Cosmos…!
The Core Book Contains All Rules and Content Needed to Play and Run the Dark Esoteric Role-Playing Game Black Void:
- Easy, Flexible and Versatile Character Building
- Simple D12-Based Rules System
- Fast-Paced Combat System Based Around Combat Manoeuvres
- Customisable Weapons and Armour
- Unique and Novel Powers
- Nonlinear Character Progression, Including Enlightenment and Influence Aspects
- Extensive Lore and Setting Chapter, Including Notable People, Factions and Multiple Detailed World Descriptions
- Comprehensive Arbiter’s Guide and Sample Npc’s
- 40+ New and Original Sentient and Esoteric Species, Beasts and Void Entities
- 60+ Inspiring Plot Hooks for Creating Exciting and Harrowing Adventures