Artel Miniatures - Katerina - Prophetissa Bellum 28mm New

R$ 108,00

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Brand: Artel "W" Miniatures
Type: Miniature
Collection/Faction: Past and Future Heroes

She`s the Legend among the Sisterhood, Sword of Purity, Scourge of Demons, Lily of Steel. She`s hardened veteran of countless battles, horror to the enemies and beacon of hope for the loyals. She`s Prophetissa Bellum - Katerina.

Sculpted by Konstantin Ivanov and Sergey Rynkov

Miniature for wargames, roleplaying tabletops and collecting, based on the art by Mikhail Savier.

Can be assembled with many options, fitting for different settings.


Scale: 28mm

Size: 32mm to the eyes; 39,5mm total; wingspan - 57mm :)

The kit contains of 23 parts, including options for head, weapon, scenic base and many other.

Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm base included