Hail Caesar Greek Generals (Demosthenes & Theagenes) New

R$ 65,00

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Hail Caesar Greek Generals (Demosthenes & Theagenes) 

Demosthenes and Theagenes were notable Greek generals known for their strategic acumen and contributions to their respective city-states. Demosthenes, an Athenian general, was distinguished for his innovative tactics during the Peloponnesian War, particularly his use of fortifications and surprise attacks to outmaneuver Spartan forces. His ability to adapt to changing circumstances and his charismatic leadership inspired his troops in challenging campaigns. Theagenes, on the other hand, was a prominent general from Thebes, recognized for his role in leading the Theban army to significant victories. His strategic brilliance was evident in battles such as the Battle of Leuctra, where his tactical ingenuity led to a decisive victory over the Spartans, altering the balance of power in Greece. Both generals left a lasting legacy in Greek military history through their exceptional leadership and tactical prowess.

Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted