Bolt Action Italian AS42 Sahariana New

R$ 225,00

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Bolt Action Italian AS42 Sahariana

The AS42 Sahariana was an Italian reconnaissance vehicle used during World War II, designed specifically for operations in the North African desert.

The AS42 Sahariana was developed by FIAT and SPA in response to the need for a fast, long-range reconnaissance vehicle capable of operating in the harsh desert conditions of North Africa. The design drew inspiration from the British Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) vehicles.

It was based on the chassis of the FIAT-SPA AS37 truck, modified for better off-road capability. The AS42 featured a low, open-topped body with sloped armor to protect against small arms fire and shrapnel.

The vehicle was heavily armed for its size, typically equipped with a mix of machine guns and anti-tank rifles. Common armaments included the 20mm Breda Model 35 cannon, 8mm Breda Model 37 machine guns, and occasionally the 47mm anti-tank gun. This array of weapons allowed the AS42 to engage both infantry and lightly armored vehicles effectively.

The AS42 Sahariana was powered by a FIAT SPA ABM 1 6-cylinder gasoline engine, providing good speed and maneuverability. It had an operational range of up to 600 kilometers, making it well-suited for deep reconnaissance missions in the desert.

The AS42 was used by Italian reconnaissance and special forces units, including the famous "Arditi" commandos. It played a crucial role in gathering intelligence, raiding enemy supply lines, and conducting hit-and-run attacks. Its ability to traverse rough terrain and carry significant firepower made it a valuable asset in the desert warfare of North Africa.

The AS42 Sahariana is remembered for its unique design and effectiveness in desert operations. Although relatively few were produced, it left a lasting impression on those who encountered it and has become a notable part of Italy's World War II military history.