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FrostGrave - The Lich Lord

The Lich Lord is one of the most dreaded figures in the icy ruins of Frostgrave, a powerful undead sorcerer who commands legions of the dead with his dark magic. Once a mighty wizard in life, the Lich Lord's insatiable thirst for power led him to embrace undeath, becoming an immortal terror who haunts the frozen city, seeking to expand his dominion over all who dare to enter his realm.


  • Master of Necromancy: The Lich Lord wields powerful necromantic spells, capable of raising the dead to fight at his command and draining the life from his enemies.
  • Immortal Entity: As an undead being, the Lich Lord is immune to many conventional attacks and possesses the ability to regenerate, making him extremely difficult to defeat.
  • Commanding Presence: The Lich Lord can exert his will over other undead creatures, enhancing their abilities and directing them with deadly precision.

Why Choose The Lich Lord?

  • Epic Adversary: The Lich Lord offers a challenging and dramatic opponent for any Frostgrave campaign, providing a centerpiece for epic encounters.
  • Tactical Depth: With his mastery of necromancy and command over the undead, the Lich Lord introduces complex tactical considerations, rewarding strategic play.
  • Stunning Model: The Lich Lord is a striking figure on the tabletop, with intricate details that capture his malevolent power and dark grandeur.

The Lich Lord is a must-have for any Frostgrave player looking to introduce a powerful and iconic villain to their games. His presence elevates the stakes of any encounter, making him a worthy foe for even the most experienced adventurers.