MAGGOTKIN OF NURGLE (Nurgle Daemons)- New

$ 46.75 CAD

The Maggotkin of Nurgle are a faction within the Chaos forces of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, dedicated to the worship of the Chaos god Nurgle, the Lord of Decay and Grandfather of Plagues. Here's an overview of the Maggotkin of Nurgle:

Bearer of Decay: The Maggotkin of Nurgle are followers of Nurgle, the Chaos god of disease, decay, and rebirth. They believe that the cycle of life and death is a natural and beautiful process, and they seek to spread Nurgle's blessings of decay and pestilence across the Mortal Realms.

Plague-Ridden Legions: The Maggotkin of Nurgle are composed of a vast and varied assortment of daemons, mortals, and monstrous creatures corrupted by Nurgle's foul influence. They march to war in great, lumbering hordes, their ranks swollen with the diseased and the damned.

Blessings of Nurgle: Nurgle bestows his followers with a multitude of grotesque blessings, granting them resilience and endurance beyond mortal ken. His chosen champions are transformed into bloated, plague-ridden monstrosities, their bodies teeming with writhing maggots and noxious vapors.

Rot and Rebirth: To the Maggotkin of Nurgle, death is not an end, but a new beginning. They embrace decay and corruption as a natural part of existence, believing that from the rotting carcass of the old world, new life will inevitably spring forth. They see themselves as agents of renewal, spreading Nurgle's blessings wherever they go.

Nurgle's Garden: The Maggotkin of Nurgle dwell in the Garden of Nurgle, a twisted and fetid realm located within the Realm of Chaos. Here, the air is thick with the stench of decay, and every surface is coated with a layer of mold and filth. Nurgle's daemonic minions tend to his garden, cultivating new strains of disease and pestilence to unleash upon the Mortal Realms.

Endless Plagues: The Maggotkin of Nurgle are known for their ability to spread disease and contagion with horrifying efficiency. They unleash a multitude of virulent plagues upon their enemies, infecting entire cities and kingdoms with their noxious concoctions and reducing them to cesspools of pestilence and decay.

Grandfather's Love: Despite their grotesque appearance and foul deeds, the Maggotkin of Nurgle are beloved by their patron deity. Nurgle views his followers with paternal affection, seeing them as his cherished children and lavishing them with gifts and blessings in return for their devotion.

In summary, the Maggotkin of Nurgle are a revolting yet strangely endearing faction dedicated to spreading decay and pestilence in the name of their benevolent patron, Nurgle. With their resilience, their relentless spread of disease, and their unshakeable faith in the cycle of life and death, they march ever onward, bringing Nurgle's blessings to all who cross their path.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Who is Nurgle?

    Nurgle is a Chaos God in the Warhammer Universe, representing disease, decay and despair. Third to awaken of the four major Gods of Chaos.

  • 2. What is the Nurgle playstyle?

    A slow but durable and tanky faction, Nurgle are known for regenerating and weakening their enemies in melee through poison.

  • 3. Best way to start playing a Nurgle army?

    The best way to start a Nurgle army is by getting the Vanguard Age of Sigmar box and a codex. This will allow you a solid foundation as you decide how you would like to set your army up.

  • 4. Who are some popular Nurgle characters?

    The Plague-Father himself, Nurgle. Valnir the Reaper, also known as the "Scion of Nurgle" and the "Reaper of Souls," is a great, Half-Daemon Champion of Nurgle, the Chaos God of decay, pestilence. Other notable Nurgle characters include Mortarion, Scabeiathrax, Ku’Gath, Vulgrar, Rotigus & Epidemius.

  • 5. Is Nurgle a good army?

    Nurgle are a good army like most armies in Warhammer 40k. If you are seeking a competitive army, then the answer depends on the meta at the time, as every army has its ups and downs in the competitive community. Casual players should not worry about good/bad as it's all about fun.

  • 6. Nurgle colours?

    Nurgle the Plague God is usually represented by green and brown, a dirty and diseased look.