$ 55.00 CAD

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In the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game by Games Workshop, Morgul Knights are a fearsome cavalry unit that serves the dark forces of Sauron, particularly in the region of Minas Morgul, formerly known as Minas Ithil. These knights are among the most feared warriors of Mordor, riding forth on their black steeds to sow terror and destruction wherever they go.

Clad in sinister armor and wielding wicked weapons, Morgul Knights are agents of darkness, representing the corrupting influence of Sauron's power. They are often depicted as swift and deadly adversaries on the battlefield, capable of charging into combat with terrifying speed and ferocity. Their loyalty to the Dark Lord is absolute, and they will stop at nothing to further his dark ambitions.

In the game, Morgul Knights are typically portrayed as powerful cavalry units with high mobility and strong offensive capabilities. They excel at hit-and-run tactics, charging into combat to deliver devastating blows before swiftly retreating to strike again. With their eerie presence and deadly skill in battle, Morgul Knights are a formidable force to be reckoned with, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies wherever they ride.

This box set contains 6 plastic Morgul Knights. This 40-piece set includes 6 different Morgul Knight bodies, 6 different helmets, 3 variations of horse, 6 different lance arms, a sword arm, 3 variations of shield, and a banner with sculpted detailing. Models supplied with 40mm round bases.

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