Imperial Guard - Used

Warhammer Imperial Guard Leman Russ Well Painted - A18
$ 125.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Leman Russ Well Painted - A16
$ 125.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Wyvern Well Painted - A20
$ 150.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Chimera Well Painted Blue1
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Commissar Well Painted Metal JYS93
$ 75.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Shock Troopers With Gernade Launcher Well Painted JYS93
$ 80.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Heavy Bolter Teams Well Painted JYS94
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Hydra Well Painted Blue1
$ 150.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Auto Cannon Well Painted JYS92
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Taurox Prime Well Painted JYS70
$ 75.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troopers With Flamer Well Painted JYS16
$ 125.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Missle Launcher Teams Well Painted JYS16
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Commissar Well Painted Metal JYS16
$ 80.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Hellhound Well Painted Metal JYS16
$ 125.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Commissar Well Painted Metal JYS16
$ 80.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Auto Cannon Teams Well Painted JYS15
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troopers Well Painted JYS17
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troopers With Gernade Launcer JYS18
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troopers Well Painted JYS16
$ 125.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Commissar Well Painted Metal JYS16
$ 80.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Hell Hound Well Painted JYS17
$ 125.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troopers Well Painted JYS16
$ 60.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Missile Launchers Well Painted JYS15
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Commissar Well Painted Metal JYS16
$ 80.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Troopers With Gernade Launcher JYS16
$ 50.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troopers With Flamer Well Painted JYS18
$ 100.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Troopers With Gernade Launcher JYS16
$ 50.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Commissar Well Painted Metal JYS17
$ 80.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Hellhound Well Painted JYS17
$ 125.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Commissar Well Painted Metal JYS18
$ 80.00 CAD
Warhammer Imperial Guard Cadian Lascannon Teams Well Painted JYS15
$ 100.00 CAD
The Imperial Guard is Mankinds primary and most numerous defence. With soldiers, battle tanks and artillery beyond number, they are the sledgehammer force that, though slow to deploy, delivers a devastating payload when its cumbersome blows land. Soldiers of the Imperial Guard are men, not gene-enhanced superhumans. They fight not with the most finely crafted armaments in the galaxy, but with the weapons and armour that can be cheaply and easily mass-produced.