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Halbarad is a character from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium, specifically mentioned in "The Lord of the Rings." He is a Dúnedain Ranger, one of the descendants of the Men of Númenor who live in the wild lands of Eriador and serve as guardians of the North Kingdom of Arnor.

In "The Lord of the Rings," Halbarad is a close kinsman and loyal companion of Aragorn, also known as Strider. He accompanies Aragorn on his quest to aid Frodo Baggins and the Fellowship of the Ring in their mission to destroy the One Ring. Halbarad is depicted as a skilled warrior, wise counselor, and trusted friend to Aragorn.

Halbarad plays a significant role in the War of the Ring, particularly in the events leading up to the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. He leads a company of Dúnedain Rangers to aid Aragorn in his march to Gondor, where they join forces with the armies of Rohan and Gondor to confront the forces of Sauron.

In the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game by Games Workshop, Halbarad may be represented as a hero unit with unique abilities and characteristics that reflect his skills as a Ranger and his loyalty to Aragorn. Players can include him in their armies to benefit from his leadership and combat prowess, using him to bolster the morale of nearby troops and lead them to victory against the forces of darkness.

Halbarad exemplifies the courage, loyalty, and martial skill of the Dúnedain Rangers, serving as a shining example of their noble heritage and their unwavering dedication to the cause of good in Middle-earth.

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