$ 65.00 CAD

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Beorn is a significant character in J.R.R. Tolkien's novel "The Hobbit." He is a skin-changer, capable of assuming the form of a great bear at will. Beorn resides in a house built in the shape of a large wooden hall near the western borders of Mirkwood Forest.

In "The Hobbit," Beorn aids Thorin Oakenshield and his company of Dwarves, as well as Bilbo Baggins, during their quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from the dragon Smaug. He provides them with shelter, provisions, and valuable information about the dangers that lie ahead. Beorn also aids in the Battle of the Five Armies, where he fights alongside the Free Peoples against the Goblins and Wargs.

Beorn is depicted as a solitary and enigmatic figure, fiercely protective of his lands and distrustful of outsiders. He has a deep reverence for nature and the creatures of the wild, particularly bears, with whom he shares a special affinity. Despite his gruff exterior, Beorn demonstrates great loyalty and courage when called upon to aid his allies in their time of need.

In the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game by Games Workshop, Beorn may be represented as a powerful hero unit with unique abilities and characteristics that reflect his strength, ferocity, and ability to change into a bear. Players can include him in their armies to harness his formidable combat prowess and to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. With his immense size and strength, Beorn is a formidable force on the battlefield, ensuring that the enemies of the Free Peoples meet a swift and crushing defeat.

This resin kit contains 7 components which make 2 models - Beorn the man, and Beorn the bear. Supplied with a 25mm round base and a 60mm round base.

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