$ 42.50 CAD

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The Space Marines Primaris Ancient is a revered battlefield standard bearer among the Primaris Marines, instilling courage and determination in his comrades while leading them to victory. Here's an overview:

Standard Bearer: The Primaris Ancient serves as the bearer of the Chapter's sacred standards, carrying the iconic banners and heraldry that symbolize the honor, glory, and legacy of the Space Marines. These standards serve to inspire the warriors of the Chapter, reminding them of their duty and rallying them to battle.

Veteran Warrior: The Primaris Ancient is typically a seasoned veteran among the Primaris Marines, having fought in numerous battles and proven himself on the field of combat. His experience, skill, and unwavering dedication to the Chapter make him a respected leader and a source of inspiration to his fellow Space Marines.

Ancient Relics: In addition to carrying the Chapter's standards, the Primaris Ancient often bears ancient relics and revered artifacts into battle. These relics may include ancient weapons, sacred banners, or other items of great significance to the Chapter's history and traditions, further enhancing his aura of authority and respect.

Inspiring Presence: The presence of the Primaris Ancient on the battlefield serves to bolster the morale of his comrades and instill fear in the hearts of their enemies. His unwavering courage, steadfast resolve, and unyielding determination inspire those around him to fight with unmatched ferocity and determination, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Standard of the Emperor: The banners carried by the Primaris Ancient are emblazoned with the sacred symbols of the Imperium and the Emperor, serving as a reminder of the Space Marines' eternal duty to defend humanity and uphold the Emperor's will. These standards are revered by the Chapter and are treated with the utmost reverence and respect.

Battlefield Leadership: In addition to his role as a standard bearer, the Primaris Ancient also serves as a capable battlefield leader, coordinating the actions of his fellow Space Marines and directing them to achieve tactical objectives. His strategic acumen and battlefield experience make him a valuable asset to the Chapter's command structure.

Legacy of Glory: The Primaris Ancient embodies the noble traditions and storied history of the Space Marines, carrying on the legacy of honor, valor, and sacrifice that has defined the Chapter for millennia. His deeds on the battlefield serve as a testament to the indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication of the Adeptus Astartes.

Overall, the Primaris Ancient is a revered figure within the ranks of the Space Marines, embodying the virtues of courage, honor, and sacrifice that define the Chapter's proud heritage. His presence on the battlefield inspires his comrades to greatness and strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies, ensuring that the Emperor's will is carried out with unwavering resolve and unyielding determination.

This model includes a choice of a helmeted and unhelmeted heads, as well as two different banners with sculpted details, and a choice of bolt rifle or power sword. The kit is comprised of 22 plastic components, with which you can assemble 1 model, and is supplied with a 40mm Citadel Round Base.

This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly

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