Bandai #167 Gundam F91 "Gundam F91, Bandai HGUC

$ 20.00 CAD

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- Another leading Gundam Suit in HG form, the F91 is the 4th in the All Gundam Project to be reformatted as a modern HG!
- Recreate the open or closed face look through part swapping!
- Recreate the deployed or undeployed radiation fin deployment through part swapping!
- Various armed included.
- Posable VSBR also included!

- Accessories: Beam Rifle, Beam Launcher, VSBR x2, Beam Saber x2,
Beam Shield, Grip Manipulator (Left, Right), Rifle Grip Manipulator (Left, Right)
Item Size/Weight : 30 x 19.2 x 5.5 cm / 236g

The BANDAI logo on the box is BLUE and NOT red