Kings of War Goblin Mega Army New

R$ 589,00

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Kings of War Goblin Mega Army

The only thing more dangerous than a small Goblin army is a Goblin horde. When a Biggit gets important enough to rally this many Goblins to his banner, he becomes a force to be reckoned with, their numbers serving to offset their natural cowardice as well as overwhelm the enemy under a swarming tide of vicious, stabby little bodies.


  • 80 hard plastic Goblin infantry (build Rabble, Spitters or Sharpsticks)
  • 16 hard plastic Mawpups
  • 6 PVC plastic Trolls
  • 10 PVC plastic Fleabag Riders
  • 1 Resin goblin King
  • 1 PVC plastic Giant