$ 22.00 CAD

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The Wild Warg Chieftain is a fearsome leader among the Wargs, the wolf-like creatures that serve as mounts and companions to the Orcs and other servants of evil in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth.

In the "Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game" by Games Workshop, the Wild Warg Chieftain may be represented as a powerful hero unit with unique abilities and characteristics that reflect his status as a leader among the Wargs. He is typically depicted as a larger and more ferocious Warg than his kin, with enhanced strength, resilience, and combat prowess.

The Wild Warg Chieftain is often accompanied by a pack of loyal Wargs, whom he leads into battle with ruthless efficiency. He inspires fear and obedience in his followers, directing them to attack the enemies of their dark masters with savage fury.

Players can include the Wild Warg Chieftain in their armies to benefit from his leadership and combat prowess, using him to bolster the morale of nearby Wargs and Orcs and to lead them to victory against the forces of good. With his cunning and ferocity, the Wild Warg Chieftain is a formidable adversary and a key asset for players seeking to crush their enemies and claim victory for the forces of evil in the "Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game."

This set contains a Wild Warg Chieftain, a metal miniature supplied with a 40mm round base.

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