$ 48.00 CAD

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In the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game by Games Workshop, the King's Champion is a powerful hero representing a renowned warrior who serves as the personal bodyguard and champion of a particular king or ruler in the realms of Middle-earth.

The King's Champion is typically depicted as an elite warrior chosen for their exceptional skill, bravery, and loyalty to their liege. They are often clad in ornate armor and wield weapons of great craftsmanship, symbolizing their status as the foremost defender and champion of their lord.

In gameplay, the King's Champion is a heroic leader and fighter, capable of inspiring their allies and leading them to victory on the battlefield. They are often portrayed as formidable combatants, skilled in both melee and ranged combat, and possessing special abilities or commands that reflect their status as a legendary champion.

Players can include the King's Champion in their armies to represent the martial prowess and leadership of these legendary heroes, whether they are defending their king's realm from invasion or leading their forces on daring quests and campaigns across Middle-earth.

This resin cast kit contains 7 components and sprue of 4 25mm round bases with which to make a King's Champion and 2 Heralds.

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